Thursday, 6 November 2014


Hi guys,I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while I've had alot of stuff going on so in a way I thought this week I would share 'bullying' and my ways to cope bullying.

Throughout most of my secondary/high school years I've been the victim of cyberbullying,name calling,being picked on,bullying by fellow classmates and so on.

You may be reading this like how do you bully? When are you a victim? How to stop being a bully? How to stop being bullied? So I am going to try and help as much as I can because I hate bullies and to be honest it isn't right and it makes you feel crap.

How do people bully?
Bullying is literally anything negative. It can be the odd name calling when the other person is uncomfortable, Picking on their flaws and telling them it, Saying nasty words,Fighting,Isolating them,Ignoring its literally everything! 
At the moment I have the odd name calling,flaws picked out and its from sad to say my closest friends. They name my flaws to my face, repeatedly tell me nasty comments and will think they have some sort of authority over me. So this is literally ways you bully people, you may read this and think 'this isn't bullying' 'I do this'... Yes it is bullying and stop it,it hurts people like hell imagine if you went through what others do on a daily basis.

When are you a victim?
You are a victim of bullying,cyberbulling when you feel uncomfortable,hurt or upset by peoples words and actions.
I usually feel this sense of feeling to cry,isolate myself,build walls around me and will stop speaking! It hurts and I know it hurts but being a victim you need to talk about it, I told my mum recently and she was more upset over the fact I didn't tell her than the bullying. So speak about it maybe suggest to your friends it hurts and to stop saying them or even talk to your school. People say 'it doesn't help' but honestly letting people out and telling people how you feel etc does make you feel so much better in yourself.

How to stop being a bully?
I said it before when people bully. Take a step back from your society,socialites and friends then survey your surroundings. Watch the person you bully or pick on or upset and watch them. Notice how they get shy around you,become quieter,more stiff. You will notice they become all awkward then need to realise you hurt them. Yes feel guilty but apologise and change your actions! You may feel crap on that one day but taking it out on others is not the way forward,SO please bully's reading this...please follow what I said and stop or at least try and change.Maybe try becoming the victims friend or at least become more down to earth.

How to stop being bullied?
There is no way of telling you, yes this is the way to stop being bullied. Because every situation is different. 

  • Maybe sitting down with the bully and talking it out maturely will sort it
  •  try speaking to a teacher. 
  • I said this before but still I want to drill it into your skulls SPEAK ABOUT IT!! it makes you feel so much better I'm not even joking it does. 
  • Go to your teachers/Councillors/family/friends-these are the people who care about you the most!
  • Speak to yourself and be confident

To end my point here:Everyone is different and everyone has flaws. Bully's pick on those flaws because they are rude,nasty or maybe just jealous? You need to look at yourself in the mirror.Note every single flaw then find the positive things? You have long legs, your thighs are think, you have a nice bum, your cheeks are naturally blushed. FIND THE GOOD THINGS!! And accept yourself for who you are, I never listened to this but I've started to and so what if I have a big booty and big hips, It makes me feel good Id rather that than fit into barely anything!!

Be true to yourself and believe...
Over and Out,Your one and only... 'A Beautiful Mess x'